I have deep expert experience that allows me to help clients in the best way to protect trademarks and designs not only in Lithuania, but also in various countries of the world, such as China, India, Canada, USA, Brazil, India, Nigeria and others.
I like to succeed in solving various difficult customer situations related to disputes and negotiations. I am interested in strategy formation in disputes, searching for new solutions and opportunities. My education as a programmer and as a lawyer helps a lot, as well as my logical and analytical thinking.
My career achievements consist of many experiences of daily practice, wins and losses. One of the most important ones is a successful dispute in China, when the client regained the rights to his trademark registered in the name of the distributor. Other highly memorably experiences were a case in the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the patent dispute and the validity period of the supplementary protection certificate, as well as 3 years of specialized international studies and successfully passing the European patent attorney exam.
Intellectual Property
– Patents
– Copyright
– Trademarks & Design
Profesional experience
Since 1993 – AAA Law.
Since 2001 – Lithuanian Patent Attorney.
Since 2004 – European Patent Attorney.
2024 – Academy of European Law (ERA) and Maastricht University, European Patent Litigation Certificate.
2018 – European Patent Office, CEIPI and DELTA PATENTS studies, European patent attorney qualification.
2007 – Mykolas Romeris University, Master’s degree in Law.
1988 – Vilnius University, Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics.